The Autism Society of Maine believes that people affected by Autism are full citizens and full participants in an open democratic society. All people with Autism have the right to advocate for themselves at all levels of government. ASM monitors legislation in the Maine Legislature and disseminates email alerts on pending priority state legislation that might impact those with Autism. We perform advocacy through the work of our volunteer Board of Directors and community members. Working with the national Autism Society, we also maintain a strong voice on Capitol Hill to shape federal policy that provides benefits, supports, and services across the lifespan for all affected by Autism. See Autism Society’s Action Center regarding Federal Legislation
Becoming Involved – Legislative Participation Sign-Up
If you would like to join ASM’s community participation in legislative activities, sign-up to receive legislative e-mail alerts here. Enter your e-mail address in the sign-up box, and include “Legislative” in your interest profile. You may also fill out this form and mail it to us to identify the type of legislative activities in which you would like to become more involved.
State Legislation – First Regular Session of the 132nd Maine Legislature
The First Regular Session of the 132nd Legislature convened in December of 2024.
The Board of the Autism Society of Maine will follow bills during this legislative session that affect individuals on the Autism spectrum and that we believe may be of interest to our members. We will provide legislative alerts via legislation email listserve to make sure that you are aware of the bills we are following that are scheduled for a public hearing or work session.
Find your Representative
Find your Senator
For information on legislature and all current bills, visit the State of Maine Legislature website
The Autism Society of Maine is actively monitoring bills in the 132nd Legislative Session: ASM Tracking Sheet (2/6/2025)
ASM Testimonies for the 132nd Maine Legislature
Federal Legislation
Stay connected to what is going on at the national level in our federal government with the Autism Society.
The Legislative Process and Tips on How to Make Your Voice Heard
How To Contact Your Elected Officials
Maine State Senator Shenna Bellows explains how to contact your elected officials about issues that matter to you. (2019)
The State of Maine Legislature Website
7 Easy Steps to Accessing and Following the Maine Legislature
How to Find out About Important Issues
A big part of finding information is knowing where to look. Let us help with a guide to staying informed.
The 10 Steps to How a Bill Becomes a Law
It’s is important to understand how our Maine’s legislation works, the timeframes and requirements. In this article, we explain the process that each bill must take to become a law.
What you Should Know About a Legislative Document
An annotated document indicating the various components of a Legislative Document. Presented as an image file.
Testifying at Hearings: The Be’s
A simple list of things to remember when testifying at a hearing.
Writing Letters to Legislators: Do’s and Don’ts
This list of recommendations will help you write a better, clearer letter when you contact your legislators.