Facebook Fundraisers!

With the help of Facebook, it is easier than ever to fundraise for the Autism Society of Maine! It’s only takes a few minutes and is a safe place for donations.
Creating a Facebook fundraiser lets your network know that you care about our progams, and shows your dedication for our cause. Facebook fundraisers do more than raise money. They help get the word out about our programs and how we can help families, individuals, educators, and the community.
Click Here to create an ASM fundraiser or go to the fundraiser tab on your own Facebook page to get started!
FUNraising Tips!
How about a $5 Friday! This is a fun way for everyone to make a small donation! Add a photo iof your honoree, this will add a face to the fundraiser! Acknowledge milestones by increments of $50 (any amount) and share with you rfacebook friends! “Match Donations” is available! Example: You can pledge to match the first $50. This can be set up when you create your fundraiser with the “more” button.
Update regularly by “sharing” and keep the momentum going! Be sure to give thank you messages to those who have donated and even share personal reasons of how ASM has helped you or people you know.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are donations tax-deductible? Yes. ASM is a 501(c)(3) organization.
When will ASM receive the money from my fundraiser? Donations made through Facebook are sent to ASM within two weeks of the donations being made.
Are Facebook donations private? Facebook donations are only be seen by your friends if you choose to share them. Donation amounts are never shared. ASM and the creator of the fundraiser will be able to see your donation even if you don’t share it.
Does ASM receive donor information? Donors have the option of keeping their donation private. If they do not select that option, ASM will receive their first name, last name, donation amount and email address.
Do donors receive receipts? Yes. Facebook will automatically email a receipt to anyone who makes a donation. ASM also sends thank you messages to donors who opt to share their email or mailing address.
More questions? Email info@asmonline.org
Call: 1-800-273-5200