Walk for Autism
Registration is OPEN!
The Walk for Autism is ASM’s largest fundraiser and event of the year, eagerly anticipated by our families, the Autism Community, and their supporters.
This year, we are happy to introduce a new registration platform that may look a bit different to those of you who have participated in the Walk for Autism in previous years. You will need to create a password.
Click on the registration button and you will see more information with or without registering. Get ready for an exciting and impactful event that brings us all together in support of a great cause. Let’s make this year’s Walk for Autism the best one yet!
Our theme this year is “Star Wars” and we encourage everyone to join on the fun with a costume if you happen to have one! There will be vendor tables as well as games, face painting & snacks! Free!
Adults (18+) $35 – Children (6-18yrs) $15 – Children (under 6yrs) FREE! (no t-shirt)
To help offset this increase, registration of 3 or more persons (at the same time) will have a $3 discount each.
Sunday, April 27, 2025
BANGOR Waterfront Park
8 Railroad St., Bangor
Sponsorship opportunities are available!
Details and sponsorship form
Vendors are Welcome!
Vendor information and sign-up form
Sunday, May 4th, 2025
WESTBROOK River Bank Park
677 Main St., Westbrook
Sponsorship opportunities are available!
Details and sponsorship form
Vendors are Welcome!
Vendor Information and sign-up form
Walk for Autism Photos
Walk for Autism – Westbrook – 2024
The Walk for Autism held at the Westbrook Riverbank Park on April 21st was a wonderful day and phenomenal success!
Each step taken, each dollar raised, and each conversation had made a significant impact in helping us further our mission of promoting acceptance and understanding for individuals on the Autism Spectrum.
We cannot express enough gratitude to everyone who played a part in making this event such a phenomenal success! Together, we are truly making a difference in the lives of those affected by Autism. THANK YOU EVERYONE!

Walk for Autism – Bangor – 2024
The Walk for Autism in Bangor on April 28th was something to remember!
WOW! Nearly 500 attendees came out to celebrate and support the Autism Community for April Autism Acceptance Month!
Thank you to all our amazing volunteers who helped on this momentous day, you are very much appreciated! This event wouldn’t be possible without the commitment of our sponsors! Thank you!
Click on picture to expand the gallery!
Fox 22
Channel 7 (Fox 22) News coverage of the Walk for Autism in Bangor on April 28th, 2024
News coverage of the Walk for Autism on April 28th, 2024 in Bangor